① 宠物医院,用英文怎么说
Hopital for Pets
② 宠物医院的英语
pet hospital或者hospital for pets
pet clinic 宠物医院
veterinarian 兽医
③ 一家宠物医院的英文
全部释义和例句>>A pet hospital
全部释义和例句>>A pet hospital
④ 宠物医院用英语怎么说
a pet hospital.
⑤ 宠物医院怎么用英语说
pet hospital
⑥ 宠物医院常用英语口语
A: Help! Are you a doctor? My poor little Frankie has stopped breathing! Oh my gosh, Help me! I tried to performCPR(心肺复苏法), but I just don't know if I could get any air into his lungs! Oh, Frankie!
B: Ellen, get him hooked up to a monitor! Someone page Dr. Howser. Get the patient to hold still, I can't get a pulse! Okay, he's on the monitor.His BP(血压) is falling! He’s flatlining!
A: NOOOOOO! Frankie! Nurse! Do something!
B: Someone get her out of here! Get me the defibrillator(除纤颤器).Okay, clear! Again! Clear! Come on!dammit! I’m not letting you go! Clear! I’ve got a pulse!
C: Okay, what's happening?
B: The patient is in acute respiratory(呼吸的) failure, I think we're going to have to intubate!
C: Alright! Tube's in! Bag him! Someone give him 10 cc’s of adrenaline! Let's go, people move,move!
A: Doctor, oh, thank god! How is he?
B: We managed to stabilize Frankie, but he's not out of the woods yet; he's still in critical condition.We're moving him to intensive care, but...
A: Doctor, just do whatever it takes. I just want my little Frankie to be okay. I couldn't imagine life without my littlehamster(仓鼠)!
⑦ 动物医院用英语怎么说
animai hospital
⑧ 宠物医院 翻译成英文
Pet hospital
⑨ 宠物医院英文 在……后面英文
pet hospital(宠物医院) bihind (在……后面)