Ⅰ 求翻译成英语 “威海市妇女儿童医院” 不要软件翻译的
The women and children hospital of Hai Wei
Ⅱ 昆明市儿童福利院儿童医院翻译成英语
The Children's Hospital attached / affiliated to the Kunming Children's Welfare Home.
The Children's Hospital of the Kunming Children's Welfare Home.
Ⅲ 她在深圳市儿童医院工作翻译成英语
She works in a children's hospital of shenzhen
Ⅳ 英文词组“儿童医院”
是children's hospital
就像6,1儿童节是children's day 一样
二楼举的例子不对 Summer Palace是颐和园 这本身就是固定的翻译 而且回它和儿童医院答也不一样 儿童医院说的是儿童的医院 颐和园又不是什么什么的园子 怎么能这样相提并论呢?
Ⅳ 我正在找儿童医院英语翻译
=> i am finding a Children hospital
i am looking for a Children hospital.
i am searching for a Children hospital
Ⅵ 在这附近有儿童医院吗英文
is there;in
He_want to _know something_about the history of the west countries.
Ⅶ 儿童医院的英文
是children's hospital
就像6,1儿童节是children's day 一样
二楼举的例子不对 Summer Palace是颐和园 这本身就是固定的翻内译 而且它和儿童医院也不一容样 儿童医院说的是儿童的医院 颐和园又不是什么什么的园子 怎么能这样相提并论呢?
Ⅷ 我们又去了儿童医院的英文单词
My name is Li Hua. I know you are recruiting some new blood for your association. I am willing to join you and become a member of your team to serve the Children's Hospital in summer vacation. It will be a meaningful voluntary activity. There are several reasons make me qualified for your association. I am a warmhearted person with great passion. Also I have many experience working as a volunteer before. Most of all, I attach great importance to the sense of responsibility and team spirit. I would appreciate it and be honored if you offer me that chance. Please contact me at Tel:123456 Yours faithfully Li Hua 凑活凑活吧~~
Ⅸ 北京儿童医院用英语怎么说
Beijing Children Hospital
Hainachuan Technology Training Co,Ltd.
private teaching (工作)
tutor (从事家教者)版
P.O.box 11 ,Estern of Beisanhuan street , Chaoyang district ,Beijing ,China
Ⅹ 在当地的一所儿童医院英语
'sHospital..Igavedirectiontothepatients,.Intheafternoon,IwenttotheInpatientdepartment.Isentmanytoystothekids,sanganddancedwiththem...Otherthantheirparents,,they'.Ifyouhavetime,.Let'.上周六我去了儿童医院做志愿者。早上我在大厅工作,为病人指引去各个部门的路。下午我去了住院部。我带了很多的玩具给孩子们,和他们一起唱歌跳舞。顺便说一下 目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的外教和我提到,事实上要学好英语是轻松的..坚持需要个符合的学习空间与熟练口语对象 最关键就是外教水平,纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才是最好 坚决天天练习口语 1v1家教式辅导才能有最.好.的学习成果..完成课堂后仍要重复温习录音文档,好巩固知识点!不过实在没有人可以指导,那么就到 VOA或爱思获得课余教材学习 多说多问短时间口语能力就加强起来,学习效果是绝对最佳的!我还讲故事给他们听来激励他们。我知道住院的孩子们其实都有点难过,并且很寂寞。除了他们的爸爸妈妈,医院的医生护士,他们其实还愿意去见更多的人并跟他们讲话。如果你有时间,请加入我,一起到医院做个志愿者。把你的爱心和关心送给有需要的人们吧。选我吧