導航:首頁 > 葯物治療 > 根管治療英語


發布時間:2021-02-25 21:13:43

1. 你的牙齒需要做根管治療翻譯成英文

Your teeth need to have a root canal

2. 根管治療的英文縮寫是什麼

根管治療(root canal therapy)是牙髓病和根尖周病的國際上最常用的有效治療內方法。根管治療術的原理是容通過機械和化學方法去除根管內的大部分感染物,並通過充填根管、封閉冠部,防止發生根尖周病變或促進已經發生的根尖周病變的癒合

3. 牙髓根管 用英語怎麼說啊

root canal

4. 做牙齒根管治療,先封葯一個星期,會不會影響說話或者朗讀英語之類的


5. 口腔內科根管英文縮寫

齒根管:pulp canal;canales radicis dentis。canales。

n. (Canales)人名;(法)卡納勒;(西)卡納萊斯;道;


Canales 卡納萊斯,回卡納萊斯,卡娜答蕾絲。

Antonio Canales 卡洛斯,安東尼奧,卡納雷斯。

Ricardo CANALES 卡納萊斯,里卡。



AB 實際碳酸氫鹽。


ACT 激活凝血時間。

AG 離子間隙。

AMI 急性心梗。

ANA 抗核抗體。


ASO 抗鏈球菌溶血素「0」。


6. 求齒科修復方面的英語

Dental Veneer 牙齒鑲嵌
Dental crowns 鑲牙
Teeth Bleaching 外形修整
porcelanin-fused-to-metal prosthesis 金屬烤瓷修復體
chin augmentation 隆頦術
Dental bridges 牙橋
Periodontics 牙周病學
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔頜面外科
Prosthodontics 口腔修復學
高位微笑 high smile微笑時顯露100%的上前牙與部分牙齦。
低位微笑 low smile微笑時上前牙面積顯露小於75%.
中位微笑 median smile微笑時上前牙面積顯露在75%~100%之間,少見牙齦乳頭。
Prophylaxis 洗牙 (usually just say prophy)
deep clean 齦下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
local/general anesthesia 局/全麻
gingivatis 牙齦炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
tartar 牙石
dental hygienist 洗牙師 (do the above thing)
cavity 齲齒
root canal therapy (RCT)根管治療 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart)
filling 補料 (resin/composite樹脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)
endodontist 內科牙醫 (do the above thing)
denture 假牙
veneer 貼面 (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四環素牙)
prosthodontics 鑲牙牙醫
general dentist 全科牙醫 (do all things, but difficult one refer to
implant 種植牙 (plant a denture in the jaw bone)
oral surgeon 外科牙醫 (拔牙, 尤其難拔的智齒, implant)
Lingual Braces 牙科背帶
Invisalign 矯齒隱形牙箍
Orthodontics or braces 背帶正畸
Dental implants 牙科種植
Laser tooth whitening 激光美白
Cosmetic Dentistry 牙齒美容
Prophylaxis 洗牙
Dental Veneer 牙齒鑲嵌
Dental crowns 鑲牙
Teeth Bleaching 外形修整
porcelanin-fused-to-metal prosthesis 金屬烤瓷修復體
chin augmentation 隆頦術
Dental bridges 牙橋
Periodontics 牙周病學
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔頜面外科
Prosthodontics 口腔修復學
高位微笑 high smile微笑時顯露100%的上前牙與部分牙齦。
低位微笑 low smile微笑時上前牙面積顯露小於75%.
中位微笑 median smile微笑時上前牙面積顯露在75%~100%之間,少見牙齦乳頭。

7. 求有關口腔專業的英文單詞!

檢查:PE ;診斷 imp;處理 Rx;根管治療 RCT;全景片 X-ray示 小牙片 X-P;
材料:氧化鋅水門丁回答ZOE;磷酸鋅水門丁 ZPC;聚羧酸鋅水門丁ZPCC;玻璃離子水門丁GIC;次氯酸鈉NaCI;生理鹽水 NS;雙氧水 H2O2;
牙體:樹脂充填CF;光固化充填 RF;銀汞充填 AF;玻璃離子充填 GIC;窩溝封閉 FS;臨時充填TF;齲齒 C;繼發齲 rC;牙齒磨耗 ATT;牙齒斷裂 f/;楔狀缺損 WSD
外科 殘根 RE;阻生牙 IP;缺失牙 X;拔牙EXT;拆線RS;種植 IMPLANT
根管治療RCT;根管充填RCF;充填不全 PCF;工作長度WL;
牙體預備 PZ;取模 IMP;烤瓷冠 MB;烤瓷固定橋 MBBr;固定橋 Br;金屬冠 Cr;樹脂冠RC;根樁PO;臨時冠TEK(TC);嵌體IN;高嵌體ON;崩瓷 Pf;牙冠邊緣滲漏ML ;永久固定 SET;重新固定 re-SET
牙周袋深度 PD;松動1度 M1;松動2度 M2;松動3度 M3;根下刮治SRP;洗牙 DC;牙齦紅腫 U;牙結石1度 Cal+,2度 Cal2+

8. 「牙套」的英文是……

often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart

Dental terminology 牙科術語

洗牙 Prophylaxis usually just say prophy
齦下刮治 deep clean, (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
局/全麻 local/general anesthesia
牙齦炎 Gingivitis, (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
牙石 tartar
洗牙師 dental hygienist (do the above thing)
齲齒 cavity
根管治療 root canal therapy (RCT) (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
牙套 crown (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling
試排牙 setup teeth
臘堤 wax rim
軟夜間保護器 Soft nightguard
硬夜間保護器 Hard nightguard
漂白盤 Bleaching tray

補料 Filling (resin/composite樹脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)

內科牙醫 endodontist(do the root canal)
假牙 denture
貼面 veneer (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四環素牙)

鑲牙牙醫 Prosthodontics
全科牙醫 general dentist (do all things, but difficult one refers to specialist)

種植牙 implant (plant a denture in the jaw bone)
外科牙醫 (拔牙, 尤其難拔的智齒, implant) oral surgeon
兒科牙醫 pedodontist
犬齒(虎牙) canine
臼齒 molar
門牙 incisor
正畸牙醫 (整牙) orthodontist
正畸器械 Orthodontic Appliances

1. 烤瓷熔附非貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to non-precious metal crown)
2. 烤瓷熔附半貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to semi-precious metal crown)
3. 烤瓷熔附貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to gold crown)
4. 瓷全冠(Porcelain full crown)
4. 鑄造陶瓷冠(cast ceramic crown)
5. 鑄造全冠(cast full crown)
6. 非貴金屬全冠(non-precious metal full crown)
7. 金全冠(gold full crown)
8. 非貴金屬嵌體/高嵌體(non-precious metal inlay/onlay)
9. 半貴金屬嵌體/高嵌體(semi-precious metal inlay/onlay)
10. 金嵌體/高嵌體(gold inlay/onlay)
11. 馬里蘭橋Maryland Bridge
12. Alabama Bridge
13. Andrews Bridge
14. 附加橋體(additional pontic)
15. 附加翼板(additional wing)
16. 樁和核(Post & Core)
17. 金樁和核(Gold Post Core)
18. 瓷唇緣(Porcelain labial margin)
19. 瓷貼面(Porcelain Facing)
20. 肩台瓷(Porcelain shoulder)

1. 全口樹脂義齒(Full acryline denture or full resin denture)
2. 隱形義齒或鑄造熱塑局部義齒(Valplast Partials or Cast Thermoplastic Partials)
3. 整鑄基托(鈷鉻合金)(Co-Cr alloy cast base for full denture)
4. 整鑄基托(鈦合金)(Ti alloy cast base for full denture)
5. 鈷鉻合金支架(5-5)(Co-Cr alloy framework 5-5)
6. 鈷鉻合金支架(7-7)(Co-Cr alloy framework 7-7)
7. 鈦合金支架(5-5)(Ti alloy framework 5-5)
8. 鈦合金支架(7-7)(Ti alloy framework 7-7)
9. 高強度樹脂基托(High intensity resin base)

9. 翻譯英文(口腔科)

After graated from College of Oral Medicine, I worked in the out-patient clinic of the hospital and was mainly concting root canal therapy. Half year later, I was transferred to the in-patient of Orthopedic Surgery , and was mainly responsible for the treatment of orthopedic trauma, shock, and bone transplanting, with focus on the transplanting of ribs and iliums.




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